all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L8 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 2TA 90 0 53.394135 -2.962551
L8 2TB 50 0 53.393048 -2.960316
L8 2TD 33 1 53.393663 -2.959743
L8 2TF 35 1 53.394071 -2.960489
L8 2TG 49 1 53.393824 -2.958739
L8 2TJ 22 1 53.394181 -2.961304
L8 2TN 14 0 53.394599 -2.96193
L8 2TU 30 7 53.395458 -2.957919
L8 2TX 30 0 53.394181 -2.957935
L8 2TY 1 0 53.394243 -2.954688
L8 2UA 10 0 53.395003 -2.963097
L8 2UF 26 1 53.394823 -2.954175
L8 2UL 129 0 53.391037 -2.957744
L8 2UN 29 0 53.392152 -2.956371
L8 2UP 85 1 53.391738 -2.957549
L8 2UQ 17 0 53.39472 -2.954518
L8 2UR 6 1 53.392483 -2.956769
L8 2US 4 1 53.392256 -2.957065
L8 2UU 36 2 53.3926 -2.957855
L8 2UW 36 0 53.392462 -2.955836